* Grampet: "There have been preliminary talks with the Competition Council, we don't expect any insurmountable problems to appear"
The Competition Council has begun the cooperation with the representatives of the European Commission on the matter of the privatization of CFR Marfă, with the two authorities to decide whether the acquisition by Grup Feroviar Român (GFR) of the freight railroad operator will create an economic concentration, according to Bogdan Chiriţoiu, the president of the Competition Council.
He said that the analysis process is at an incipient stage, as from a legal point there are six months available for adopting a decision in that regard.
Bogdan Chiriţoiu told us: "I have been to Brussels and I have met the representatives of the European Commission. We have also approached the topic of CFR Marfă. At the moment, we are exchanging information and we are awaiting the notification of GFR. The company needs to draw up its own notification brief. We will have a period of a few weeks to review the situation, and then we will talk to the European Commission. Legally we have six months on hand to make a decision".
The president of the Competition Council also told us that there are three possible situations - the entitled authorities can approve the acquisition of CFR Marfă by GFR, they can reject it or they can accept the deal subject to certain conditions.
He also said that GFR will need to pay the amount which it has committed to, in parallel with the competition authorities, and he emphasized: "These are things that are taking place in parallel, they are not related to one another".
The representatives of the Grampet Group, which owns GFR, told us that there have been preliminary discussions with the officials of the Competition Council, and he went on to say: "There have already been preliminary discussions with t