On July 11th, 2013, Democratic Union of Turkish-Muslim Tatars in Romania (DUTMTR) hosted the first traditional Iftar dinner in the presence of two representatives of the U.S. Embassy in Bucharest: Kendra Pace and Rodica Bârlănescu of the Political Section of the diplomatic mission.
As stated in a press release until the fast started, the two representatives had a brief meeting with DUTMTR President, Gelil Eserghep, and other members of the union leadership. Representatives of the Muslim Cult in Romania performed the start of the fast with a short religious ceremony. Later, they serve traditional Tatar dishes.
This was the first visit of Kendra Pace in Constanta, amidst the Tatar community. U.S. diplomat arrived in Bucharest two months ago and stays there for two years. In his message to the Muslim community, Kendra Pace said: "Tonight, my colleagues in embassies around the world, Muslim or other religions will participate in such events, with the aim to reflect on shared values of hope and good will, feelings that we all share. In communities across the United States, families and friends will gather to walk together in this Holy Month. Ramadan has a profound significance for the 1.5 billion Muslims around the world. At the same time, this moment is also a good opportunity for the people of all religions to remember about justice, equality and compassion, values that all major religions share. Now, when we celebrate this important event of the year, I would like to thank all those who contribute to continue dialogue and promote mutual respect between the United States and Muslim communities around the world, so that together we can create a new era of understanding and cooperation between peo