Echipa de experti ONU, care trebuia sa investigheze presupusa utilizare de arme chimice, a fost atacata in Siria, potrivit unui comunicat al Organizatiei Natiunilor Unite. Autoritatile siriene sustin, potrivit Reuters, ca echipa de investigatori ONU a fost atacata de rebeli.
Comunicatul ONU (lb. engleza):
"The Spokesperson for the Secretary-General has the following update on the UN Chemical Weapons Investigation Team in Damascus:
The first vehicle of the Chemical Weapons Investigation Team was deliberately shot at multiple times by unidentified snipers in the buffer zone area.
As the car was no longer serviceable, the Team returned safely back to the Government check-point. The Team will return to the area after replacing the vehicle.
It has to be stressed again that all sides need to extend their cooperation so that the Team can safely carry out their important work".
Vom reveni cu amanunte Echipa de experti ONU, care trebuia sa investigheze presupusa utilizare de arme chimice, a fost atacata in Siria, potrivit unui comunicat al Organizatiei Natiunilor Unite. Autoritatile siriene sustin, potrivit Reuters, ca echipa de investigatori ONU a fost atacata de rebeli.
Comunicatul ONU (lb. engleza):
"The Spokesperson for the Secretary-General has the following update on the UN Chemical Weapons Investigation Team in Damascus:
The first vehicle of the Chemical Weapons Investigation Team was deliberately shot at multiple times by unidentified snipers in the buffer zone area.
As the car was no longer serviceable, the Team returned safely back to the Government check-point. The Team will return to the area after replacing the vehicle.
It has to be stressed again that all sides need to extend their cooperation so that the Team can safely carry out their important work".