Remus Borza, the president of the Supervisory Board of Hidroelectrica, will leave the company, prime minister Victor Ponta said in Târgu Jiu. This statement was made yesterday, without any further clarifications, when a priest in Gorj asked Victor Ponta to help him become a an executive at Hidroserv. Mr. Borza had the following statement for "BURSA": "The members of the Supervisory Board of Hidroelectrica and those of the directorate of the company are appointed temporarily, until the professional managers are selected, based on Ordinance 109, concerning the implementation of corporate governance in state owned companies. Most likely, this is what prime minister Ponta was referring to when he said I would be leaving".
The president of the Supervisory Board of Hidroelectrica, who was also the receiver of the company, said that he pities Victor Ponta for the pressure that he is subjected to by politicians, local "barons" and the secret services: "I took over Hidroelectrica, in summer last year, with losses of 693 million lei. The company now has a profit of 800 million lei after the first eight months. What economic reason would there be for me to leave Hidroelectrica?"
"In my time as a receiver of the company, I have terminated and renegotiated over 500 contracts concluded by Hidroelectrica SA with the various < < clever boys > such as politicians, local < < barons > > and people from the intelligence services. My departure from Hidroelectrica is what those clever boys who had been left with nothing to leech had been dreaming of. Those contracts had been concluded at prices 3 to 18 times higher than the average prices in their respective areas. I have faithfully served the interests of the company, which is strategic for the national energy system".
Remus Borza also insisted that it was him that eliminated the "leeches" from Hidroelectrica, not the p