The message which the European Commission sent to the Greek banks did not concern their departure from South-Eastern Europe, but rather, the capping of potential future development in the region, said Lucian Croitoru, advisor on monetary policy issues to the governor of the National Romanian Bank (NBR) and president of the Fund for the Guarantee of Deposits in the Banking System (FGDB). "Banks with a controlling Greek interest present in Romania are Romanian banks, with Romanian customers, overseen by the NBR and with deposits of a maximum of 100,000 Euros guaranteed by the FGDB. Because of that, the absence of future funds coming from the parent banks will not affect their activity, considering that they are well capitalized", he said.
The FGDB pays the same level of attention to the 31 banks participating in the Romanian bank deposit guarantee scheme, says Lucian Croitoru. When it comes to the challenges that the Fund must deal with, the new Chairman of the Board of Directors said that they are the ones set through the law, namely, the guarantee of deposits opened with banks with Romanian legal personality, and the application of measures for restructuring and banking stabilization in line with the European Legislation, if the NBR were to decide so.
On Sunday, the European Commission has asked the Greek banks not to transfer funds to their subsidiaries in the region, as Greek lenders are being required to restrict their operations in South-Eastern Europe. Brussels considers that lenders that are receiving state aids may not use it to develop their operations in other countries.
Lucian Croitoru took over the leadership of the Board of Directors of the Fund for the Guarantee of Deposits in the Banking System (FGDB) in the beginning of last month, replacing Lia Rodica Tase, whose term expired. Lia Rodica Tase has led the Market Operations Division of