On September 18th, town councilors met in a new session of the Council Meeting, wich included 35 draft resolutions. Two of resolutions - no. 25 and no. 26 - refers to the transfer of right to use over two plots in Mamaia to the Archiepiscopate of Tomis.
Saints among fancy cars , champagne , petty noblemen and VIPs
It's about transfering the Archiepiscopate of Tomis the the right to use, as long as the construction exists, over the plot area of 270 square meters located in Constanta, Mamaia Resort, the Mercur Minerva Hotel area, and the plot of 443 square meters located in the Hotel Perla area, Archdiocese of Tomis . The initiator of both draft resolutions was Mayor Radu Mazare . According to the spokesperson of the Archiepiscopate of Tomis, Calin Gavrilas , on the two plots will be built two chapels . "Those will be smaller churches, serving a small community", explained Calin Gavrilas.
And so, the resort of charriots, beautiful girls, music, night clubs, petty noblemen and a summer love affair will stuck with two chapels. The resort were the characters played by the Mayor Radu Mazare - Louis XIV, Nabucodonosor, Suleyman the Magnificent - walked last summer -, will brag with two holy places. The distance between the two hotels (Mercur Minerva and Perla ) where the two chappels will be built is 3.7 kilometers.
"Knowing your love manifested over the years for the Orthodox Church, with great respect please assign three plots in Mamaia Resort for the Archiepiscopate of Tomis, in order to build three chapels. We make this request after numerous requests of the faithful people in Constanta for officiating weddings and baptisms in this resort. We pray God to give you more gain in all the good work that you do", wrote Archibishop Teodosie to the Mayor Radu Mazare. Of the three plots requested, only two were granted.