* "If, at the end of our term, the shareholders are not be pleased, they will not give us their trust for another term", the president of SIF1 Banat Crişana said
Dragoş Bîlteanu, the president of SIF1 Banat Crişana, told us, in an interview, about the decisions which the management of SIF1 made since it began its term, as some of them were considered controversial by some voices in the market.
Reporter: The trades of Friday, September 13th, 2013, and Monday, September 16th, with shares of SIF1 Banat Crişana have raised suspicions of market manipulation, at the ASF, as well as among some shareholders of SIF1. There are some voices that claim you are connected to those trades. How would you comment?
Dragoş Bîlteanu: I am not going to comment. It is not a prudent thing to do for us, the ones involved in the management of the company, to make statements about the stock trades made on the stock exchange.
Reporter: How would you respond to those who accuse you of being part of a group that wants to "pillage" the SIF, to the detriment of the other shareholders?
Dragoş Bîlteanu: First of all, I wouldn't know how to respond, as I take it that the question is not coming from you directly. Maybe you could actually tell us who those people are, so we can see whether they are shareholders of our company or they are people who can have a different interest than the company.
What I can say is that, since I began my term, in less than a year, SIF1 has become the most valuable in terms of the net assets, and in the coming years we will be able to assess together how things will evolve.
Reporter: Some of the shareholders have been unhappy with the actions of the management of SIF1 this year - the acquisition of Romenergo bonds, the fact that SIF1 paid 4.56 million Euros for the majority stake in Azuga Turism, as well as the fact that SIF