Romania and its economy are under an assault the likes of which it has never seen before since the onset of the financial crisis. No, it isn't the Huns, the Visigoths or other "tribes" which are migrating looking for a weak victim to plunder. And there is no need for them, actually.
The barbarians are within the walls, and they are called the Government and the National Bank. Confronted with an economic reality beyond their competences and their comprehension ability, the "Romanian" authorities cater to every whim of the international creditors, apparently without any remorse or concern when it comes to the future of the nation.
I have not read enough history books to be able to make a comparison between the plundering of the past regimes and those of the current one, but it is hard to believe they were as savage. After all, for over two decades, Romania's spoliation has only picked up speed and apparently there are still riches that are waiting to be "plucked".
Also, for more than 20 years, the Romanian authorities have shown their incompetence and inability to lead the nation towards a better future. Why then, do they not step aside, to allow the Romanians to mind their own business?
As you can imagine, the question is malicious. Their "historic" mission and the electoral mandate do not allow them to even consider such an option.
But the global crisis is out of time and "our" authorities have done nothing to erect at least some defensive "dams".
The publication of the latest forecasts of the European Commission has led to the occurrence of an incredible situation when it comes to the relations between the European countries. "The European Commission has warned Germany that it can face disciplinary action due to its trade surpluses in relation with its EU partners", Ambrose Evans-Pritchard writes in British daily The Telegraph. @N