The representatives of the National Bank of Romania (NBR) did not attend the reunions of the Supervisory Board of the European Banking Authority (EBA), for almost a year, according to the documents drafted at the end of each of those meetings. The Supervisory Board (CS) represents the main decision-making entity of the EBA, which has as its function the making of all the decisions concerning the policies of the authority, its website states.
Nicolae Cinteză, the head of the Supervision Division of the National Bank of Romania (NBR) is listed as Romania's representative.
According to the published minutes, the last meeting of the members of the Board of Supervisors of the EBA that Romania was present at, was held on June 12th, 2012. Since then, twelve meetings of the Supervisory Board were held, of which two on the same day. For eight of them, minutes are listed on the website of the EBA, which mention the absence of the officials of the NBR. The most recent minutes are those of the reunion of July 1st, 2013, which is why we have no way to know whether a representative of the Romanian Central Bank was present for any subsequent meetings.
The issues which were discussed in the meetings held in the absence of the NBR have included the working project for the year 2013 of the EBA, the manual of the authority for the management of the crisis situations, the banking union and its impact on the EBA, and the analysis of the quality of bank assets, according to the minutes.
Even though no member of the team that he leads attended, for at least a year the reunions of the Supervisory Board, Nicolae Cinteză seems to be aware of the decisions being made at the level of the EBA. He said last week that the Authority has recently established a definition of non-performing exposure that would ensure comparability between the member countries. The head of super